Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Truth Part 3

I'm generally one extreme or another. No inbetweens. I either want a real coke or water. I either want a steaming hot bubble bath or an icy cold pool. I either stay up late or go to bed ridiculously early if husband is on day shift. You get the jist?

I'm not one who sees grey areas. It's either yes or no. Good or bad. I either like it or I don't. I may be laid back, but in all honesty I'm a very picky person. The short version... I'm a big weirdo. Which leads to my thought processes. 

It's a chaotic mess of a masterpiece, the way my mind works that is. 
For example, ever heard of a studio art major turned math education? 
Me either. Then I became "one of them. "
Insert deep thundering... 
Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuu!
I am the one who walks into the room, and the rest of the class looks at me like "why are you here?"
The same as you fine people. To get my degree and join the work force among that of the American educators.
So what? No I'm not your typical mathematics major. 

Apparently it's not the norm for one to doodle or sketch in the margins of notes in this field of study. 
Or try out different font styles when writing notes. 

Yes. Weirdo. I hold the title well. 

I eat ketchup on my eggs. 
I have anything from the latest Taylor Swift album to 90's pop NSYNC and Aaron Carter to Brookelyn Tab on my itunes. 
Riverdance. Love it.
Leopard print all the stuff!
Chicken Express ice is my favorite. 
Grape soda over ice cream. 
Raw cake batter. No raw eggs don't scare me and haven't killed me yet. 
Abstract Algebra is becoming my favorite. 
I am obsessed with my 2 dogs. Obviously. 
I hate cats with a passion. 
I first learned to play the piano on a Steinway grand piano. 

I may not think or process thoughts the way the rest of the world does, nor do I share alot of the same beliefs or agree on the current issues. 
I'm just content with being my weird self and living this fabulous life. 

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