Saturday, February 7, 2015

Along Came Piper

I remember everything up to the point when they conked me out with gas. After that, I briefly remember waking up in recovery hollering for my baby girl and asking if she was okay and healthy and alive. Next I remember waking up in my hospital room with Andy sitting there with what looked like a wave of relief on his face, then in came my baby girl. And then I remember what I ate, and the fact that I was asked about 50 times if I had passed gas in which I didn't understand why so I kept saying no. Just FYI, say yes. Just FYI, I had not been allowed to eat anything that would have produced any kind of gas, not even a burp or rumbly in my tummbly. Now, if they had allowed me my Taco Bell- we would've been in business. They didn't find that very funny. Seriously though, who gets gas from cherry jello or vanilla pudding?

After calling my husband telling him to head to Eldorado, I was laid down and they put that devilish catheter in. Honest to goodness that was the worst part. I began to panic thinking they were going to give me a spinal- I mean seriously. Big needle. Big needle in my back. No sir. Not happening. I handed my cell phone over to my nurse as they got me on a gurney and off we went. 

Next thing I knew I had an oxygen mask and the lights in the ceiling were whooshing by. Yes, like in the movies. Weird. 

I was in the OR and surrounded by what felt like every nurse, worker, and janitor in the entire place. The anesthesiologist was by my head and stroking my hair telling me I was just fine and they were all right there to take care of me. On either side I had 3 nurses holding my hands and saying they would find Andy and they were right there. The whole staff did nothing but love on me and take care of me. At that moment I was asked what and when I ate last and when my birthday was. There was a click and I was out. 

I was later told when they got my baby girl out,  they found my placenta had torn away from my uterus 90% of the way and I had internal bleeding, but I had begun to clot. They removed a cantaloupe sized blood clot, put me back together, and thanked the good Lord he put me in the exam room at the right time. 

It was estimated that 7 minutes separated me and Piper from catastrophe. 7-10 minutes before I was in the exam room and they wouldn't have heard the funny rhythm to her heart. 7-10 minutes later... Well we won't discuss that. 

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