Friday, February 13, 2015

Oops: The Prequel

I am that .01%
That's right. You read that correctly.

I am that .01% that you read about on the back of the BC package.
In fact, my picture should probably be on the back along with that little tidbit of information.
Also, my mother used that tidbit to announce to her school that she was going to be a grandma.

She thought it was funny... I obviously didn't. We'll return to this part of the story later

When I say my child is a miracle, I mean she's a miracle. She must have some amazing purpose in this world, other than being just flat amazing in general, because I was taking precautions NOT to get pregnant, and before anyone wants to question my thoughts or opinions- NO I was not on a birth control pill that would discontinue a pregnancy in the event I did become pregnant on the pill (obviously...).

It was a Thursday. The last Thursday in April to be exact.
I was in line to actually have my prescription refilled, but had somewhat of an epiphany while waiting to be called.
Something told me I had better hold off on getting my prescription. Take a wild guess why don't ya?

I left the pharmacy early that morning and made my rounds through town going as unnoticed as possible. I circled the feminine product aisle for 15 min at WalMart due to the fact I saw at least fifty people I knew around every corner. How would I explain why I was looking at pregnancy tests? And Heaven forbid someone see me and tell someone who tells the whole town. 
So I bought my tests and booked it to my hidey hole to take them. I took my first one earlier that morning. Let me tell you, it was the longest 2 minutes of my life, but it came up positive. I thought it was faulty because the second pink line was so faint. After reading the directions and informative pamphlet, I learned it's supposed to be like that. From there I wasn't sure what to think. Everything felt like a blur that day. Finally after taking my 7th test late that afternoon (it turned positive within seconds), I called the doctor to get an appointment. 

Yes. I took 7 pregnancy tests. The digital one came up 'Pregnant 4+ weeks' within a few seconds.
While on the phone with the receptionist she informed me my insurance wouldn't allow me an appointment until August for my check up.  I then informed her I thought I might be pregnant! and she asked what made me think so. 
Well as of now I'm 7 for 7 ma'am. 
She laughed and asked why on earth I took so many in which I responded,"I wanted to be sure."
She laughed some more and asked the usual questions to figure out how far along I was. In my mind I thought maybe a month since the weeks estimater said 4+. Wrong. 
Ten weeks. Ten weeks pregnant and I hadn't had any idea. 

Well within a day or so, it was obvious and it was hard to hide. The sight of food made me nauseous. All day. Every day from that point forward. I couldn't go long without running to the nearest restroom and I was popping lemonheads like nobody's business to suppress the horrible feeling. 

A couple weeks later on May 21st I went to El Dorado to await the most wonderful words I had ever heard. 
That afternoon at 12:40 my doctor came in, did her usual checks, and said her soon to be familiar line. "Let's listen. " 
Right around my belly button, the Doppler picked up that quick, fluttery beating. I thought it was the best day of my life.

So there you have it. I'm the poster child for that .01% and I'm quite content with it. Who am I kidding? I'm more than content with it. Ecstatic really. 

So back to the part of my mother making her GRAND announcement. 
 When I got to Mom's school, we went room to room with a little piece of paper that said the following: 
"My daughter is very talented, there's not much she can't do, but when it comes to taking pills she tends to forget a few" 
Grandma 2 Bee

Yea. She thought she was being cute, but no I didn't skip pills. 

So there we have it. Piper was a surprise. Tada! 

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