Sunday, November 15, 2015


So yes. I'm one of those. If you've ever had a baby you've most likely been in these shoes. 
Relosing the weight. 

After I had Piper I lost all my weight pretty quickly and then my eating got out of control. 
Fast food everyday at lunch. Cokes like no other. No water. Oh and birthday cake Oreos. Oof. 
That 40lbs came back on like an unwanted relative on a holiday visit. 
Finally I broke down. 
My pants barely squeezed on. 
I did my research. 
Count your carbs it said. 
Drink your water. 
Take your Plexus religiously. 
That last one I added. 

I found a girl's blog about being sugar free and carb free/low carb. 
I took notes, followed her on every social media outlet possible, and made a complete write up of everything I could eat and drink. 

I never knew how delicious carb free could be. Pancakes, fajitas, low carb turkey wraps, soup, grilled chicken, there's even low carb/carb free bread recipes. 
I can do this...
We emptied the kitchen cabinets of junk. 
And then we meal prepped. 
Let me be honest. 
I tried to like veggies I really did. 
Cauliflower. Yuck. Broccoli. Yuck. Raw carrots and celery. Blahhhhh. 
So I stuck with fruits. 
Not necessarily carb free, but better than a handful of Oreos. 
The first 2 weeks were hard core no carbs whatsoever.  My coworkers thought I was starving. I thought I was starving, but I was relearning how to eat. 
When you're used to eating a quarter pounder and large fries that comes as a shock. 
The next 2 weeks I did indulge in a pbj or 2. So I ate lighter the next meal. I may have eaten Cancun once or twice, but I ate lighter my previous meal. 
Now here I am an exact month later. 
Between taking my Plexus Slim, Accelerator, and BioCleanse and having better eating habits I am 12 solid lbs lighter that I have maintained. I can wear my normal jeans again and I don't have to stretch my shirts out before I wear them. My goal is 20lbs by Christmas and I'm over halfway there. 
Now to order my next round of Plexus products and finish cooking my carb free pancakes. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

8 Months and Counting

Our sweet precious is 8 months old.
Wasn't she just born yesterday? 
No seriously. My scar is still tingling. It had to be yesterday. 
Let me dwell on this a moment. 

Now back to business...

Piper is 8 months old on the 8th of the 8th month. 
888. That's lucky right?

Precious is moving like nobody's business. Not only are we a master crawler, a perfect puller-upper, but almost a satisfactory stander-upper on our own. Oh and we are a weak walker. Oof. 

Yes she's had a few ups and downs. Literally. 
She bonks her head or bottom and waits on our reaction.
She usually gets a "brush it off" or a "you're fine" followed by a quick scoop of momma's or daddy's arms and up we go to get a toy or find something else to get in to whilst avoiding a crocodile tear or a complete nuclear meltdown. 

Her favorite distraction is "reading." 
Yes the quotes are entirely necessary. 

Piper's version of said reading involves her daddy's hunting and fishing and farming magazines. They're her favorite. Not only is she up to date on all things RealTree or Bass Pro, but she is a master tearer-upper. 
She takes the magazine page by page, ripping each very carefully into as many strips as possible. She then takes each strip with both hands, raises it above her head, and snaps it in two. 
Did I mention she was a dramatic reader?

Along with her love of reading and new found mobility comes her new found favorite foods. 
All things blueberry, Gerber yogurt, oatmeal with fruit and/or cinnamon, and she inevitably likes the grossest thing I've ever seen or smelled- Macaroni and cheese with mixed veggies... In Gerber baby food form. Ew doesn't even describe it.

She's a good eater thank goodness, but she comes from a long line of people who like to eat so she really has no choice. 

She still loves her puppy dogs, but the furbabies have yet to understand Piper doesn't need to share their toys. 
This will be a losing battle I'm afraid. 

Piper's First Halloween

It's no secret this past weekend was Piper's first Halloween.
It's also no secret that we went with a costume that is not exactly something you put a precious little girl in.
Along with the fact I like unconventional, funny, adorable, and stinking cute I might add, Piper was a skunk.
Flower. That's what we decided.
Flower from Bambi.
Precious. Pictures don't do it justice.
I found the amazing idea of course on Pinterest and the actual costume set on Amazon.

Oh Amazon Prime. My life saver when it comes to needing things in a reasonably, fast manner and at a fabulous price.

Daddy skunk was on day shift so we did our in town visiting starting at lunch at my Gege & Poppa's where we got puffs, pants, and carrots in our goodie bag.
Next we went to my Memaw's where we got more puffs, and had to dig into those right then.
We then made the trip home to wait to go on our last 3 stops.
We went to Andy's Mimi's house where we got puffs, a card, candy, and did I mention puffs?
We also had to dig into those too. Quality control as most understand.
Quality was good. No worries.
We then went to Aunt Jean & Uncle Larry's down the road to trick or treat.
She was delighted in finding more puffs, a ball that makes noise with grips so she can chunk it across the room (or at the dogs), and a board book that we have looked at and held and flipped the pages of ever since we laid eyes on it.
Lastly we stopped at Andy's parents' for supper and Halloween treats.
To Piper's delight, in her Halloween bag she had puffs, yogurt, macaroni & cheese, pears, and 101 Dalmations DVD.
She couldn't get to the Gerber fast enough before she had her mouth all over the yogurt containers and trying to figure out how to get the lid off the puffs.

Fact: Precious likes her puffs.

Don't mess with the puffs or you will anger the beast.

To say it was a successful Halloween would be an understatement.
To say our child is loved would be an understatement.
To say we had a fabulous weekend when the clock went back an hour would also be an understatement.

A great time was had by all and the costume ideas are already flowing for next year.