Thursday, February 12, 2015


So I forgot a vital part of the story...

Rewind to the part where I was told to call my husband, we have to get the baby out now.

Background info: My dear husband is a farmer at heart- that's one of my favorite things about him. A lot of wonderful qualities are built in to a farmer's heart and mind. He and his family have cows- I love those cows, they're the kind you can walk right up to and pet. Some of his calves have even walked right up to him and started fiddling through his overall pockets looking for snacks.


Andy was working cows that Monday. Needless to say, when I texted to tell him I was headed to be monitored, he headed home to change and clean up just in case. He said by the time I called to tell him to come to El Dorado, he had changed out of his farm clothes and was about to get back in his truck. 

Background information: It takes almost an hour to get to El Dorado from where we live. 

As soon as I said to come on, he was on the highway headed that way. He said he fell in line with the trash trucks and weaved in and out going as fast as he could to get there. 

Remember the nurse took my phone as soon as I ended the call and was being run down the hallway to the OR?

When my husband got almost halfway there (in a matter of minutes we wonmt discuss) he received another call. The head nurse who had so graciously been taking such wonderful care of me went back to find my cell phone to call Andy and let him know that the baby was alive, well, and headed to the nursery, and that I was being put back together and I was alive and well. She told him she would come meet him when he got there and take him straight to Piper. She also informed him he could slow his roll and go a normal speed since we were all ok. He quickly informed her, " No ma'am, I have to lay eyes on my girls."

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