Friday, October 14, 2016

Dear Piper...

In a world full of questions of women's worth, sexual assault, he-said-she-saids, a presidential election of crooks, and down right mean people, the above link is worth the read for anyone with daughters and anyone who struggles to impress because they must conform to fit in.

So Dear Piper,

Be your own person.

Be a lady.

Key word is a lady... Be classy, be kind, be a good person, and love Jesus.

Wear appropriate clothing.
Just because society says these short mini dresses are cute does not mean you should wear them...
I really don't want to see more than a dollar bill's length above your knee without some sort of leggings underneath.
Be modest.
Be lovely.
Be a lady.

Be beautiful from the inside out.

Don't be ashamed to love Jesus.
Don't be ashamed to skip the party to go to church.
Don't be embarrassed to use your parents as an excuse not to go somewhere you know you shouldn't.
You don't have to be the party girl.
You don't have to be the "popular" girl.
Be you.
Be lovely.
Be kind.
Be your own person.
In a world of Kardashians, be a Jojo.
Be your own kind of lovely.
Be your own kind of nice.
Be your own kind of beautiful.

Be raw.
Be real.
Be true to yourself and your emotions.
Be respectful... of yourself, others, and your family.

Here's a hint about these boys you don't have to wait on to give you self affirmation and sweep in and save you.
...if he doesn't respect your parents' rules or your rules for that matter, he's not worth your time nor your tears nor you whatsoever.
Do wait for THE boy- ideally the man- who will respect your parents' rules, boundaries, and requests whether it be that he doesn't wear his hat at the table or curfew, for he will equally respect your worth.
He will respect your time, your heart, and value your true self.
Just ask your daddy... I waited for the man who would respect my parents' rules and requests.
My typical curfew was 10pm under their roof. He had me home by 9:45/9:50.
Simple things like that will hint to their true character and true intentions.

Learn to be fully you before you learn to be someone's other half.

Learn what it's like to be yourself.

Be fully you.
Be completely lovely.
Be utterly beautiful inside and out.
Be undoubtedly real.
Be committed to being classy and kind to others.

You own those descisions to be those things.
That's what I hope for you.
It's your responsibility to own those things along with your emotions.
Own it baby girl.
Rock it.

Above all else, be you...
for you is kind, you is smart, and you is important...

And we will remind you that everyday.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


My issue I watch and one that my heart hurts for is abortion.

It was compared to aborting one's husband the other day if he's no longer wanted. So where do you draw the line? Children and babies are "aborted" every year by their parents, yet those same parents typically go to prison. Tell me the difference in a 20 week in utero baby *ahem* 
Excuse me... "Fetus"
I forgot about being politically correct...

And a 2 minute old, living, breathing, screaming, non-fetus baby...

There's not one.
Both have hearts,
fingers and toes that they wiggle and suck on,
feel pain,
have a beating heart with blood rushing through their veins,
thought processes,
and I imagine they have feelings.

At 20 weeks I got to find out with my sweet husband our baby was a beautiful, dainty, active, momma's girl.
As we saw her tiny fingers, toes, tummy, head, nose, eyes, and heard her heartbeat, I wept. I absolutely wept in amazement. This beautiful child was living inside me, depending on me to feed her and take care of myself to provide protection and nourishment until she was ready to make her appearance in this world.  She was whole. Was she by any means complete in growing? Absolutely not. 
But we never are complete in the growing process are we?

In my mind, she was whole and perfect. 
In my mind, I can't fathom how anyone could see their sweet precious child and not see a creation in which there is no proper terminology in how amazing the whole thing is. How do you purposely throw that away? How do you throw away your responsibility to advocate for that baby?
Moms we are our babies' spokesperson. 
Woman up and do your job as their spokesperson. Don't take the "easy" way out. 

In saying that, where will the line be drawn in aborting precious lives that could be future doctors to cure cancer, teachers, or of all things an actual God-fearing, American president? What is the difference in a mother deciding to abort her 16 week old in utero or her 16 month old? I don't understand the justification and the circumstantial evidence in one or the other when they are one in the same. A mother chooses to end the life of her child. 
Same end result. 

Which is where I am led to my next chapter of confusion...
I get it ok? Women's rights, blah blah blah, our body our choice, more crap-o-la, etc. , how can men think they can regulate women's healthcare, more bull, and so on and so forth. 

I'm a woman. I have a child. I am strong-willed and hard headed as they come. I am convinced I can do anything. 

Ask my people...

Yet as a woman, I'm typically disgusted with the whole "women's reproductive rights" mess. It's stupid. 
Yea it's your body, with someone else's body growing inside it therefore it is no longer your own body anymore. 
It's "their, our, them". 
Plural pronouns I do believe. 
More than one. 
Therefore there should be a vote. 
Votes only hold if there's a majority and I guarantee that vote would not end that way. 

For lack of better words, it just fuels my hate fire.... 
I mean... My I'ma pray for you kinda attitude. 
Therefore I will be voting for the party that holds closer to my belief on this issue. 
End it. 
Illegalize it. 
Throw the whole thing out. 
Absolutely defund it. 
Reproductive healthcare services my rear end. 
There are plenty of other resource centers that do the same thing. 
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. 

Oops did I step on some toes?

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Throw Back

Tomorrow I'm in for a throwback.... along with every other MHS teacher.

Ya'll it's 90's day... (insert wide-eyed emoji)

How did it ever come to this? 90's as a decade dress up day?

What's cracking me up is the students asking what the 90's was? Afros and big glasses?
No honey. Sit down.

Will the real 90's child please stand up?

Ahem.. Cough*Cough*

Remember I said child.

So what did I do?
Got on that handy dandy and ordered the original butterfly clippies for my hair, got me a pair of white keds, non-ankle socks, jacket to tie around my waist, and just going to throw on a pair of skinny jeans- no tight rolling needed.

Yes I was born in 92' but I remember the jean and denim everythings, the butterfly clips in sections of hair, white tennis shoes with EVERYTHING, overalls, Tommy Hilfiger, keds of all kinds, straight leg pants, jackets tied, baggy pants, Spice Girls, NSYNC*, TLC, Cotton Candy-Sweet'n'Low-finish that sentence.

As a math teacher you know we're all about bell to bell baby. Bell to bell.
It's 90's day so one must play it up.
We're going with it tomorrow now.
Everyone loves a good carousel activity to music, so why not do one with 90's inspired tunes? On 90's day. Absolutely.
We're doing transformations of graphs so...
 To the left, to the left, to the right, to the right, now slide, slide....

We just might have to end the day with some Casper Slide  just for kicks.

Tomorrow will be another great day to be a panther as always. Except in classic 90's style.

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Beauty of It

In our great country...

**Disclaimer: America was founded and delegated by the great men who made it great such that we have freedoms such as the 2nd Amendment, and the 1st, and the 19th, and so on and so forth. In my personal opinion there have been leaders of this great nation who have cast dark shadows on our bright and shining lady liberty, giving off a negative vibe and putting bad tastes in peoples mouths.

America has never "not been".... sorry Aunt Michelle.... a great nation. There have simply been people who have given off bad vibes, passed bad laws, and made bad decisions.
There is no sole person or heir to the throne that can "make America great again."
It takes the people; we the people.

It takes we the people, of the United States of America to understand that we're looking to the totally wrong people.

Out of the millions in our country we pick these 2 goobers?
Really? That's the best we have?
In this great nation that's the beauty of the word opinion, it's my right to have one.

So seeing as it's my right here it is.

We as a country are looking to the wrong people, putting our beliefs in the wrong systems, and inputting our faith in the wrong outputs.
What happened to the good ole' boys wanting to make a positive difference without bashing the other half? What happened to the advocate for the people and not the political party?

Ever thought that what's wrong with the people running for president is that they don't remember what it's like to be a real person?
Ever think that real politicians who have been in the business for 30+ years make horrible candidates because they are so good at twisting their words into lies and tricking the general, middle class society into believing their sick "truth."
I believe it takes a stupid person to lie, but a special type of stupid to be able to twist said lies into something people routinely believe.

I think the presidency will take someone inexperienced in politics.
Someone such as Trump- absolutely not. I believe him to be a fool and a big mouth, but Hillary is a genuine crook. Sadly we're at the battle of the lesser of 2 evils. It's genuinely heart breaking that this is the best we could come up with....

We need someone who knows what its like to be a normal human being living paycheck to paycheck.
We as a country need to fall to our knees and fully turn our backs on the idols of society.
We need America to fully face God or it will crumble as it is crumbling before our eyes.

Babies are being murdered.
That's where it ends for me.
Society is corrupt in its view of life and where it begins and where it ends.

This is my big issue I'm watching. Mass murder. Legalized murder.
Along with...
Taxes. Who's taking more money from me?

2nd Amendment. Who thinks they're taking my right to carry and own certain fire arms?

Have I made my choice? Absolutely. Am I proud of it? Not in the least. Picking the lesser of 2 evils is still an evil.
Sad man....sad...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

See You at the Pole #1

In light of the recent presidential events, let's shed some light on what good is going on in the world.
For example, See You at the Pole was today.

I participated for years in "See You at the Pole" as a student. Today for the first time I watched at a distance with fellow teachers from the other side.

I watched students lead worship and it's a good feeling AMAZING to see that at work.

I watched students I had student teaching last year, and I watched students I currently teach.

I watched girls read scripture, boys lead prayer, small group prayer and devotion, students lead in song, students reach out to others who were getting off buses or waiting on buses by passing out and offering donuts and milk, and I also watched students watch.

I watched teachers stop and pray, teachers stop and listen, and teachers stop in awe of students leading  that weren't your typical go-getters in class, so it seemed.

I listened.
Yes there was noise in the background consisting of cars, students talking at their vehicles, buses running and stopping, and random sounds coming from different directions, but it somehow didn't muddy up the sound of students praising Jesus and the explaining the sacrifice of the cross. It didn't muddy up the fact that I saw 12 of my own students passing out donuts, praying for others and their school and their principals, and giving testimonies of how God changed them.

I heard specifically marked scripture read. I heard thoughtful comments.
I saw things too.
I saw hearts breaking for our school.
I saw faces melt hearing about the sacrifice on the cross.
I also saw teachers watch.
I saw administrators watch.
I heard people pray.

Yea we do this every Sunday- we pray, sing, take up offerings, listen to scripture, listen to sermons, listen to testimonies, etc..
Except when it's out of the building, led by possibly future ministers, pastors, evangelists, music leaders, youth pastors, and missionaries- it's a little different.

Remember high school? Your peers judged you, talked about you, and sometimes thought negative things about you whether provoked or not.
Ever thought about how your peers would look at you if you shouted the name of Jesus at the flag pole?

Yes gathering at the flag pole were kids and peers alike who believe the word of God, but the people on the outside watched them gather. Others watched them pray, and as I have students entering my room today they ask questions...
"Why were there people at the flag pole?"
"Why didn't they announce they were doing that? I would have come."
"Where did the donuts come from?"

I can't answer all these questions. Some I just tell "I don't know."

It's different from the teacher side. It was wonderful to see my peers love Jesus, but it's just as wonderful to see my students love Jesus.

Have I mentioned I love my job? Have I mentioned I love my kids?
I do. Very Very Very MUCH.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

To the Tune of...

So there was a debate last night...after Dancing with the Stars that they so kindly cut short so we could all gather round and watch what we as a nation are calling presidential candidates duke it out.

So let the all things political (don't even let me kid you...) Hannah give you a recap.

First off,
Hillary needs a new wardrobe, I understand it's great to have those key pieces in different colors-maybe a taupe and a black to alternate with different accessories, but to have a pant suit in 12 different colors is a bit much. Although, I will commend her for going with the bright red that so perfectly matched the shade of lipstick on her teeth.

Trump must not have been able to call in a favor with his hair dresser. Bless his heart, every southern woman understands the struggle of not being able to get her roots done before an important event. No wonder he made such horrible faces throughout the night. I would have been scowling too if my roots were showing on national television.

Mr. Moderator has a misconception on time. I never knew 2 minutes could be so long. I'm afraid his elementary teachers just passed him along through that unit. I'm afraid he also has an issue of interrupting others when speaking. He must not have been taught that one does not talk while others are talking. I also noticed he likes to fact check. I would be a little more comfortable him showing his sources and documents though. It seems some things were somewhat out of order and misconstrued according to the candidates.

I honestly think the debate amounted to a whole lot of stupid. I saw 2 people try to address issues, interrupt each other, get loud, smirk, smile, scowl, and burn holes in each others heads with their laser eyes.
It seemed more of a battle of the lesser of 2 evils than a debate.
Somewhat like 2 villians vying for the title of superhero of the city.
I got a good giggle out of doing bad lip readings and "reading" their minds.
And that's all it amounted to for me-entertainment.
I'm not a political guru by any means, but I did get a good laugh last night.

Monday, September 26, 2016

It's a Wonderful Life

It's becoming a social media trend for momma's to publicize that sometimes there are rough days and sometimes there are those wonderful days that they put the cute snapshot on Instagram and share to Facebook and make everything look like rainbows and magical unicorns.

Let's be honest now, there hasn't been a day since I had Piper that I just think to myself...

"Man today has been so easy, she hasn't fussed, I finished 20 loads of laundry, prepped meals for the next month, and even managed to scrub the baseboards along with fine tooth combing the carpet clean."

I literally wouldn't be able to contain my excitement if that ever happened...

Between 3 dogs and a sweet precious two-nager... Yes I made up a new word. I'm thoroughly convinced of it.

The child is a diva with massive feelings she is not sure how to control at this point in her life.
I can't blame her. Some of these feelings she's never felt before and she's just now figuring out she has them.
That's what I remind myself so I don't get flustered and all up in my feelings when the fit throwing begins.

Now, between all these factors, and a farm, and a husband who works swing shifts, life on our homestead is an absolute circus.
These people who wrangle more than one child in this sort of setting kudos to you.
Let me tell you what a typical morning looks like when we're all scrambling to get to work on time.

This rodeo starts around 5am when Precious wakes up ready for a drink and a diaper change. After fixing her requested beverage, we snuggle into bed with the 2 fluffy dogs and sometimes Daddy depending on if he is at work or not. We then fall to sleep to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and promptly reawaken at 6am ready to climb down the dogs' steps to the bed to get to my phone, dump the dog food into their water bowl, or go turn on lights, run a bubble bath, or empty a shampoo bottle or 2.

After the initial rollover to get to the steps and I am awake, we get up, change a diaper, get fresh milk, and sometimes a poptart.
We take blankie to the bathroom while I get ready for work. Then the cycle begins...

While I pull my hair up and get dressed, the child does one of about 3 or 4 things.
She either turns the bath water on to fill her hair washing cup to dump into the shower,
She will go in and out of the shower to get shampoo to wash her hands under the bath faucets,
She will climb into my makeup chair to put on her own makeup or brush her teeth,
She will disappear with the dogs and all the sudden get quiet....Yikes is right.

After getting ready between bouts of hand washing, makeup smearing, and sometimes down right fit throwing because Heaven forbid I don't let her climb onto the kitchen table to play with the glass bud vases and pumpkins...

We're packing lunches and breakfasts at 6:50.
At this point we argue over the lunchables and why she can't eat one this very minute
Then we get mad because a dog has snatched something from our hand, or one is snuggled in the sacred blanket.
After putting my shoes on and making sure she at least has a dry diaper and clothes to take with her, the trek to the car begins.

Next we fight over who is carrying who and walking. Typically a certain someone feels the need to exert independence and walk half-way then scream to be picked up, then get mad when she is picked up, and so on and so forth.

In getting in the car, the debate of music always comes up.
She always wants "dis" (insert itsy bitsy spider motions) and I want "dat" (insert Sirius XM radio motions).
In the 90 seconds it takes to get to Honey's house, the odds are typically not in her favor. Sorry kid. Maybe next time.

When we start down Honey and Buddy's driveway, the chanting starts....
"Hooooooneyyyyyyy.... Buuuuuuuuuuudddddddddyyyyyy"
We park, we hop out, and she's all but jumping from the car herself to get to the door and see what's in the oven or on the stove for breakfast.

Once inside, I'm back out the door and in the car headed to work. Typically running "late" as my students tell me because I'm not there right at 7:30.

So there's our supposedly imperfect circus of life that we so very much enjoy, and we wouldn't change it.
Is it frustrating at times? Absolutely, when we're hustling to get out the door on time, but then we remember we aren't getting this back.
We aren't getting this back and she'll only keep getting bigger and smarter, and all the sudden she'll be a senior in high school.
I enjoy the fits, tantrums, screaming, hair pulling, and tears. Do I like them-absolutely not, but I cherish being able to comfort her and rock her and dry her tears while she will let me. I love being able to fix what she thinks is wrong with her world.

It's ok that life isn't all smiles and sunshine all the time. It comes in spurts, and those spurts are wonderful.
The good and the bad and the frustrating moments make this whole thing worth while.
Parenthood is so fun. There are times when I realize I'm arguing with an almost 2 year old, and I stop and all I can do is laugh at how ridiculous I sound arguing over her wanting to eat a pizza lunchable and drink my Diet Mt. Dew.
2 year olds are fun guys.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

It's a Blog Worthy Day

Today is another blog worthy day-it's Husband's 28th birthday!

People who know my husband will probably see this and some of these things they'll already know, but let me give my side of the story.

To be so young, my husband is one of the most hard-working people I know. I've never seen someone work a swing shift job like he does and then turn around on his days/sometimes just hours off and work our farm from daylight to dark then come home and be a husband and daddy.

If you read "How I Met Your Father," you know that I've actually known my now husband for quite a while. I've known his family basically since I was born and been friends with his brother for almost my whole life. You would also know that we are several years apart. I like to joke that he's gettin' on up there to 30 as I'm just now creeping up on 25.

No one loves him like his Piper does though.
She knows when its time for him to be home and actually waits at the back door for him to come in as she screams "Dada" at the top of her lungs and hops up and down.
There are times he knocks and she knocks back and then she peeks under the door at him and it's just amazingly adorable.

Something else about him he isn't a slacker or lazy whatsoever.
He is my tough guy, my rock, and my person.
He is Piper's hero, playmate, and prince charming.

He is a son, daddy, brother, husband, son-in-law, brother-in-law, and my husband and best friend.

When he strives to do something it's all or nothing every time. There's no in between for him.
My person is wonderful and that's all there is to it.
So Happy Birthday my person.
Piper and I love you BIG!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

You Must Be Mistaken

One of the funny things about teaching at the high school is when you're looked over as a student because you're young, short, and carry a backpack.

When I was student teaching, I was told numerous times to put my phone up, to get out of the teacher's lounge, or even hurry and get to class.
The other student teachers and I swear we are the reason they continually announced over the intercom for teachers to remember students are not allowed in the lounge areas.

Now that I'm a teacher- yes I carry a backpack with my books and lesson planner, wallet, computer, and my lunch inside. So you can see that on fridays when I'm wearing jeans, carrying a backpack, and sometimes wearing very little makeup; I am easily looked at by students as just one of them.
One looked at me and asked if I was the new girl.

I simply said, "Yes I am. My classroom is room 29 thank you." and pointed to my staff badge.

It wasn't disrespectful, but it gave me a good giggle.

I know I've said it before, but high school students are funny. Like really funny.

There are some days all I can do is just smile and shake my head.

For now, I've just finished my notes for this week, packed my backpack, put my lunch together, made my stack of stuff to take to school tomorrow, and bagged up my Diet Mt. Dew to restock my fridge.
I've said it once and I'll say it again.
I love my job, love my kids, love my hometown, and I love our community.
Small town living is taken for granted by many in my opinion.
There's nothing like a community coming together to cheer on a football team of hometown heros, cheerleaders, dance team, and one of the best marching bands in South Arkansas.
There's also nothing like being their teacher, and hearing the stories they tell after the fact.
When they decide you're trustworthy there's just no telling what stories they will tell you period.
Somethings I just blink really hard and they stop and say, "What?"
That's when you shake your head and go on with what you were doing.

There's no other way to say it, but I love my kids. They make me smile.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Arkansas vs. Texas State

So there's a ballgame on tonight.
Sweet husband is working, but from what I hear it's the Razorbacks playing Texas State.

Am I watching it?
Ever heard of the saying "pick your battles"?
Princess Pi won her battle this evening with her overpowering of the television via the superpower of banshee like screaming and tears.

In that situation when it's over a simple thing like tv... I'm letting that go.
If it occupies her, I'ma let that sleeping dog lie.
It's her way of reminding me that I should be unloading the dishwasher, doing laundry, or cleaning something anyways.

It works...

I rearranged a couple things, wrote a blog before this one, and got a couple things put up.

What was she pitching a hissy about anyways you ask?

That dadgum,  ghastly purple, heathen dinosoar....

I can hear my mother right now.... I had this coming, I'm paying for my raisin', etc., etc., etc.
Yes Stayce, you are correct.

Let's put it this way, there was a Christmas that I refused presents until I watched Baaaaaarney.

I got myself into this.
So what did my genius self do? Found a Barney dvd in the $5 dolla' bin at the Walmart.
Genius... Way to go Hannah.

Although, my child refers to Barney as "Ah-Ah" as in "If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops oh what a rain that would be. Standing outside with my mouth open wide...."
"AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH ..." And probably some more Ah's in there somewhere.

We have restarted the dvd about 3 times since we got home around 5:30.

I admit it. It's my own fault.
So kids here's my piece of advice...
If you had a favorite dvd or movie that drove your parents bonkers...
9 times out of 10 you will be reliving those glory days with your own children.

Have patience. Go with it.
Dance like an idiot. Sing in funny voices.

It's better the second time around anyways.

Wait, Weight, W...

Ever since I had Piper, I've had a goal to be close to my pre-baby, pre-married, pre-college, and technically my post high school/freshman self. When I got married I started Plexus and signed as an ambassador. I'm not a good salesperson. No kidding.
I more or less joined so I can get a discount.
When I was pregnant I laid off my plexus products just because I was so sick.
Finally in October 2015... wake up call. I was 204 lbs. No lie. 204 lbs- heavier than I was after I had Piper.
I started back with Plexus and a better eating plan.
In May, as a family we started a low carb diet plan and I kept on with my Plexus.

**I feel like Sam from Holes when I'm asked about my Plexus like it's a cure all, but yea it really has helped me with all sorts of things. I take my plexus slim drink for my energy and sugar cravings, biocleanse for a healthy gut and system, accelerator as a weight loss boost, and block when I'm feeling a cheat day or just can't resist the donuts in the teachers' lounge. I sleep better, I don't get near the headaches or crash at 2 in the afternoon when I have another class period to go. **

This morning I weighed 171 lbs.

I weigh what I weighed when we got married.
The double chin is gone and I can see my collar bones for the first time in almost 4 years without sucking in my neck.

My goal is by Christmas to be at my pre-engagement weight of 163 lbs.

Is this a longshot? Maybe....

Except I don't want to look 6 months pregnant 2 years post partum.

I want to be healthier and fitter for my child and my family.
I take my Plexus religiously.
I drink water, Diet Mt. Dew- yea sorry Dr. Alford..., and stuff from the keurig.
I eat meat, cheese, sugar free candy, soup, hot dogs, low sugar ketchup, eggs, salad, grilled foods, fruit and sometimes the occasional cheat of Cancun, Flying Burger, or plain ole' mac'n'cheese with a real Coke.

Loaded cauliflower casserole is the bomb with some bbq meat on top though. Like a low carb loaded baker.
I'd eat it any day of the week.

After my pre-engagement goal comes my sophomore college year goal of 150.
If I'm really feeling adventurous I'll go for gold with the pre-college weight of 140.

Goals people. Have them. Write them.
Hold yourself accountable.
I try to at least by blogging this.

I can wear my one and only belt from high school again on the 3rd notch now. In school I wore it on the 7th. 

Almost a year ago I wore it on the negative 1.
In other words, I made one of the cute dots of the lacy design on the edge of the belt into a notch...
That's pretty sad.
But now, I'm on notch 3 and not in the negatives so I'm pretty happy about that.

Today was a good day.
I took my slim and accelerator, drank my water, a diet cream soda, and did pretty decent on my eating.

What is it the football team used to chant?
Day by day?
That's the only way to do it.
Each day is a battle that will ultimately help win the war.
My war is my weight and my health, and I plan to win.

Friday, September 16, 2016


In high school, Fridays were my favorite.
Not just because it was the weekend, but because it was usually a ballgame and pep rally, and chance to participate in something whether it was do my job as mascot, cheer, make signs, or go to an out of town game.
Game days were in general my favorite because of everything going on.

Being a teacher, Fridays are still my favorite.

Yes it's the end of the work week, but being a teacher of juniors and seniors at MHS, Fridays are eventful and have a seriously positive vibe.

As a teacher, now I get to look for my students in the band, sidelines, color guard, dancing, cheering, and in the stands.
I still get to cheer on our town's beloved Panthers, but in a new way. I get to cheer on my kids, which is so cool to me.
They come to me asking if I'm coming to the game, where do I sit, am I going to watch the band, do I know their jersey numbers, etc.. etc.....
Today they even took the opportunity between bells to make my dry erase board an advertisement for where the new student section is, complete with a diagram of the stadium and list of appropriate colors to wear for the night's theme of USA.

Love my job.
Have I mentioned that?
Fridays we wear jeans with our spirit shirts and show our Panther pride.
JEANS PEOPLE... do you know how major that is?
BUT, overall- what better job to have than one you love and feel a rewarding happiness when your students succeed not only in their academics in your class, but  outside the classroom in sports, military, band, church, and a million other things.
It's also pretty great when they come back and want to tell you all about it.
Yes I've only been teaching a month, but these are my kids. I can't help but be proud and be proud of my employment. I can't imagine what it will feel like to have been teaching 20 years and hopefully have kids come back and tell me about what's going on in their lives.
That's the kind of impact I want to have, and I think it's the kind of impact we all strive for as teachers.
After I started working as an educator, I realized things my most despised teachers did really helped me and prepared me for where I am. There are things I want to thank them for, and one day soon I hope to do that.

So here's my question...
How bout' them Panthers?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Let Me Tell Ya' Bout' My Sista-Frand

You heard me. My sista-frand. Within a year she'll be my sista-in-law. Legally sistas. Not sisters.

Today is my bsff, Best Sista Frand Forever, I.E. my sweet precious Katelyn's birthday.
She is 21 on this fine Thursday in September.
I promised a sappy birthday post, but guess what...
Feel special. You got a blog post. You are welcome.

This lady is my go to when it's time to shop, drop, and roll.
She is my go to when I need a female friend to talk to about who knows what is going through my mind at that moment from something funny that's happened with Piper or a crazy day at school.
She is also my go to when it's time to vent, be upset, or get serious about some topics.
She is also my go to when it's pool day and a good day to eat Cancun chips and salsa.

Let me share our friend-story....

Once upon a time, I worked the desk at KDAS and I met her when she was a dancer there.

Fast forward....
I'm 20 and she's 17. It's May. I beg her to meet my then good friend and now brother in law.
They start dating. Fast forward to a few months ago and they get engaged and she got a puppy with a diamond ring around it's neck. OMG.

Now I literally and legally get to call her family. She's a go getter, a lover, a fighter, a smarty pants, literally a smarty pants- the girl is some kind of genius environmental chemistry major and is graduating early.... insert wide eyed OMG face.... she is also kind, hilarious, scary and sometimes too honest, and most importantly she loves her neice, my Piper, very very much.

So in saying that, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my most favorite people ever and soon to be REAL sista-in-law! I have no idea what I would be or where I would be or what I would do without you! Thanks for being my person and our family loves you big!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

What's New... Part 1

For a while I forgot I had a blog and how much I loved to write in it. Like a 10 yr old and her diary...

In saying that, I had forgotten my g-mail and password so those had to be reset and also my back-up e-mail address had to be changed.

Yay. Those are fun things to do.

After fixing that, I sat down and tried to figure out what I haven't informed everyone about lately...


Since I last posted (which is embarrassingly long ago and I hope to keep it not so long from now on) we had just become farm owners and Piper wasn't quite a year old.

Things that have happened since then are....
1. We are farm owners.
2. Piper turned 1.
3. I did my student teaching and learned things.
4. I got a job.
5. I did not work or go to school during the summer for the first time in 6 years.
6. Husband still works at Albemarle.
7. Piper can use words.
8. Piper can use several words...including no, noooooo, and no no.
9. We got another dog.
10. I got another car.
11. I started said job.

That's a strangely odd number, but I like odd numbers. I like groupings of 3's to be exact.

Since I have started my new teaching job that I love so very much at my alma mater, I have learned 3 odd things.

1. Kids are funny. This isn't odd when I write it out, and it doesn't sound like an odd statement seeing as parents say all the time "their kid did the funniest thing" and on and on. When coming from a teaching point of view, I like to know my kids. I want them to talk to me and know I'm here to help them and not seeking to just pass them on. They're funny. Extremely funny in how they will explain concepts to each other, to myself, and how they will try to discreetly ask trick questions to get the answers out of someone else or myself.
For example... this week I am having our first test. To prepare for it the students expected me to make and print their study guides for them- ie. them not do the work. So in taking an unconventional approach and hopefully teaching educational responsibility I taught them how to make their own on their own notebook paper and we discussed what terms and concepts would be ideal to know for their test. I got the typical eye-rolls, huffing and puffing, and "omg I have to write all this."

Yes. Yes you do. Do you not take notes or write in any other class...
If your hand isn't hurting you're not doing it right.
Those were my responses. I tend to get funny looks when they can't tell if I'm being sarcastic or serious. Some on the other hand have figured out that I'm 99% sarcastically serious.

They're funny. After making their own study guides, they had to make up their own practice problems. In making their own practice problems they had to know what the answer had to be and from there work backwards ultimately making them know the concept they were exemplifying both forwards and backwards.
In doing so the conversations started on how their problems were different, and then they began correcting each other.
It became a competition of who was right. Every single one was determined they were right.
Have you ever seen 23 high school juniors compete to see who could have the "most right" practice problem written?
It's funny.
I have often wonder in these 4 weeks I have been teaching if my former teachers found my graduating class this funny.

2. Teachers have 2 sides.... at the very least.
I'm getting to work beside some of my former teachers, and it makes me giggle at times. When I was here I saw the education/teacher side, and now I get to see the coworker or for lack of better words "real person" side of my former teachers. I get to have real conversations not about my vocab or grades, but about what's going on in their lives and about what is going on in mine. It's pretty cool honestly, and looking back on being their student, it makes me appreciate them even more for taking time to care. I have students that I babysat or just know me personally from when I was a student and always ask me when they see me outside of school if I'm teacher Hannah or normal Hannah. It makes me laugh. They're funny.

3. I need to record happenings in my classroom. My mother had stories like no other, and I swear she should have written a book. I've decided I need to do the same seeing as my kids are so funny, or at least I think they are. When kids come in and ask to just sit in my room and they have different conversations in front of me- it makes me laugh. Almost hysterically. When they ask my opinion on high school drama that I so desperately tried to distance myself from when I was here as a student, I smile and giggle to myself and say I don't have one. When they ask if they can call momma because they don't like what was packed for their lunch and would rather have McDonald's brought to them... No. When a student tells me she can't do work today because she can't focus. No. When I watch a student eat a complete apple and spit out the seeds. No.
I've learned sometimes it's fun to say No.
It's like Tim Hawkins says... there are an abundance of ways to say no. Sometimes I can just look at them and they get the point.
For example,
"Mrs. Hurley can that's no."
It's great, but what's even greater is they understand I don't mean it ugly or because I want to be mean. I always try to give a reason, and I either get silent eye rolls that then roll off my back into my pile of not hurt feelings or they say "oh ok" and get on with what we are doing for the day.

High school was fun enough when I was here, but teaching it is even more fun and ten times more enjoyable.
Cross my heart. Promise. Scout's honor.

In a nut shell, I love my job and it's the one I've always wanted since I was convinced to switch to secondary education.

Once a panther, always a panther.