Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Big Question

The most asked question as of now is "how did you lose the baby weight so fast?!"

The answer: I had a baby. 
Just kidding, but also very true. I left the hospital 18lbs lighter. Booyah. 

I only gained a total 24lbs my entire pregnancy, would have been 26 but I lost weight my last couple weeks. 
How? I ate nothing but organic greens, protein shakes, and drank water. 
And then lightening struck after I typed that. 
Absolutely not. 
Let me explain...
The month before I knew I was pregnant, we ate Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza at least twice a week. I wanted nothing to do with meat. 
Then all I wanted were noodles. Spaghetti, macaroni, anything with noodles. I was in. 
Then it turned into crazy 1am cravings of my mother in law's chili. In the middle of June. She graciously made me an entire batch that I froze and continued to eat on. 
Then the crave of vegetables smothered with butter which turned into wanting hibachi chicken and fried rice with a lava flow of yum yum sauce. I could easily finish off my entire entree, all the grilled veggies, and then whatever was left on my eating partner's plate. 
From there I still had a fried food aversion. Exception: McDonald's chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce. 
I drank cokes like they were going out of style along with grape soda over ice cream. 
Lastly, as stated before, I LOVE Cancun. The last trimester it was the go to meal. Along with Taco Bell. I could eat 8 tortillas with my fajitas, large queso, and salsa. Yea. Probably not the best idea, but that last week I was bound and determined to send myself into labor. What better way than spicy food?
But let's back track. 
So after a month or so into knowing I was pregnant, the reflux hit. Like a storm. On planet Mars. The kind that last for years supposedly. I thought I would never know relief. No matter how many tums, equate brand, pepcids, you name it- my chest would be on fire with flames leaping into my throat singing the back of my teeth. 
It didn't matter what I ate. 
I then developed the strange taste for ice cream and Popsicles and of all things.... Milk. Just FYI, I hate milk with a passion or I did. The thought of drinking it made me gag, but those were the only things that would relieve the fire in the chest. So what did I do?
The last trimester I would eat a hot fudge sundae for lunch, my "real lunch" later in the afternoon, and then after supper I would pop my pepcids for good measure then eat 1-2 Popsicles. Aroound midnight I would begin the routine of getting up almost every 2-3 hours to get up to drink chocolate milk. Then the farther along I got. The more milk I drank. The last week I drank almost 2 gallons by myself. The crazy thing? The day before I had Piper we didn't go to church in fear of going into labor in the middle of the sermon. No one wants their water to break on a church pew. Gross. So Andy graciously went to the little grocery store down the road to get me a gallon of milk since I had almost finished off the one one the fridge. 
I couldn't make it very long those last few days without chocolate milk for my reflux and heartburn. 
So he bought the gallon of milk that Sunday. 
I finished off the one already in the fridge that night. 
The next 3 days we spent in the hospital. 
That gallon of milk stayed in the fridge. Unopened. For 2 weeks. 
No pregnant. No reflux. No milk. Definitely no ice cream. 

So there you have it. That 24-26lbs was by no means a product of clean eating or majorly healthy choices. 
My favorite piece of advice:
Eat what you crave, stop when you're full, and drink lots of liquids.

Best advice ever. 

 So how did I lose the rest and more? 
No lie. I love that stuff. So much I'm an ambassador to sell it. The pink drink is what got me through the first 2 weeks of the newborn life. 
I had more energy, felt more rested, and shed some more lbs. 
2 months postpartum and I was back in my normal jeans, and weighed less than the day I found out I was pregnant. 
Don't knock it til you try it folks. My only mistake was I didn't try it sooner. 

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