Tuesday, October 11, 2016


My issue I watch and one that my heart hurts for is abortion.

It was compared to aborting one's husband the other day if he's no longer wanted. So where do you draw the line? Children and babies are "aborted" every year by their parents, yet those same parents typically go to prison. Tell me the difference in a 20 week in utero baby *ahem* 
Excuse me... "Fetus"
I forgot about being politically correct...

And a 2 minute old, living, breathing, screaming, non-fetus baby...

There's not one.
Both have hearts,
fingers and toes that they wiggle and suck on,
feel pain,
have a beating heart with blood rushing through their veins,
thought processes,
and I imagine they have feelings.

At 20 weeks I got to find out with my sweet husband our baby was a beautiful, dainty, active, momma's girl.
As we saw her tiny fingers, toes, tummy, head, nose, eyes, and heard her heartbeat, I wept. I absolutely wept in amazement. This beautiful child was living inside me, depending on me to feed her and take care of myself to provide protection and nourishment until she was ready to make her appearance in this world.  She was whole. Was she by any means complete in growing? Absolutely not. 
But we never are complete in the growing process are we?

In my mind, she was whole and perfect. 
In my mind, I can't fathom how anyone could see their sweet precious child and not see a creation in which there is no proper terminology in how amazing the whole thing is. How do you purposely throw that away? How do you throw away your responsibility to advocate for that baby?
Moms we are our babies' spokesperson. 
Woman up and do your job as their spokesperson. Don't take the "easy" way out. 

In saying that, where will the line be drawn in aborting precious lives that could be future doctors to cure cancer, teachers, or of all things an actual God-fearing, American president? What is the difference in a mother deciding to abort her 16 week old in utero or her 16 month old? I don't understand the justification and the circumstantial evidence in one or the other when they are one in the same. A mother chooses to end the life of her child. 
Same end result. 

Which is where I am led to my next chapter of confusion...
I get it ok? Women's rights, blah blah blah, our body our choice, more crap-o-la, etc. , how can men think they can regulate women's healthcare, more bull, and so on and so forth. 

I'm a woman. I have a child. I am strong-willed and hard headed as they come. I am convinced I can do anything. 

Ask my people...

Yet as a woman, I'm typically disgusted with the whole "women's reproductive rights" mess. It's stupid. 
Yea it's your body, with someone else's body growing inside it therefore it is no longer your own body anymore. 
It's "their, our, them". 
Plural pronouns I do believe. 
More than one. 
Therefore there should be a vote. 
Votes only hold if there's a majority and I guarantee that vote would not end that way. 

For lack of better words, it just fuels my hate fire.... 
I mean... My I'ma pray for you kinda attitude. 
Therefore I will be voting for the party that holds closer to my belief on this issue. 
End it. 
Illegalize it. 
Throw the whole thing out. 
Absolutely defund it. 
Reproductive healthcare services my rear end. 
There are plenty of other resource centers that do the same thing. 
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. 

Oops did I step on some toes?

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