Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hard Knock Life

Today has been a hard day. But in reality I have business saying such words. I don't know the true meaning of the statement, but in comparison to normal days it was. The type of day in which I have been reminding myself over and over, "not everyone gets a crown."  I.e. My own words I use to explain to my dance kids things aren't always fair. 
Today was one of those days I needed to tattoo that on my own forehead, backwards, in black ink, font size 48, arial script so I could read it everytime I looked at myself.
Life is not always fair, situational outcomes are almost never fair, and I being the control freak I am-have a very hard time with that. 
I was the kid in school that hated group projects because I couldn't do it all. 
I can't take it. 
It's not always fair. Fair really has no relevancy or place in describing life events. Not every kid gets a trophy. Not every beauty queen deserves or recieves a crown. If a child doesn't win, teach them to be a graceful loser. 
If I grew up thinking everything would be given to me so things could be fair, I wouldn't have learned to work for what I wanted- even if in the end I didn't actually get what I thought I had earned or deserved. You get over it. Move on. 
Today was hard to overcome that. It's not fair. Why. Why. Why. 
But then I look around. 
My husband let me do what I wanted to our home when I redecorated. 
We have a gorgeous 4 month old. 
We have a pair of adorably humanlinke furbabies. 
We both have wonderful parents and siblings we love dearly and love us unconditionally. 
So what do I have to ask why about or what do I believe is unfair?
Nothing apparently. 
You get over it. Move on. 
Not everyone gets a crown. Nor do you always deserve it. Look past it. Be thankful for what you already have. 

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