Monday, October 3, 2016

The Beauty of It

In our great country...

**Disclaimer: America was founded and delegated by the great men who made it great such that we have freedoms such as the 2nd Amendment, and the 1st, and the 19th, and so on and so forth. In my personal opinion there have been leaders of this great nation who have cast dark shadows on our bright and shining lady liberty, giving off a negative vibe and putting bad tastes in peoples mouths.

America has never "not been".... sorry Aunt Michelle.... a great nation. There have simply been people who have given off bad vibes, passed bad laws, and made bad decisions.
There is no sole person or heir to the throne that can "make America great again."
It takes the people; we the people.

It takes we the people, of the United States of America to understand that we're looking to the totally wrong people.

Out of the millions in our country we pick these 2 goobers?
Really? That's the best we have?
In this great nation that's the beauty of the word opinion, it's my right to have one.

So seeing as it's my right here it is.

We as a country are looking to the wrong people, putting our beliefs in the wrong systems, and inputting our faith in the wrong outputs.
What happened to the good ole' boys wanting to make a positive difference without bashing the other half? What happened to the advocate for the people and not the political party?

Ever thought that what's wrong with the people running for president is that they don't remember what it's like to be a real person?
Ever think that real politicians who have been in the business for 30+ years make horrible candidates because they are so good at twisting their words into lies and tricking the general, middle class society into believing their sick "truth."
I believe it takes a stupid person to lie, but a special type of stupid to be able to twist said lies into something people routinely believe.

I think the presidency will take someone inexperienced in politics.
Someone such as Trump- absolutely not. I believe him to be a fool and a big mouth, but Hillary is a genuine crook. Sadly we're at the battle of the lesser of 2 evils. It's genuinely heart breaking that this is the best we could come up with....

We need someone who knows what its like to be a normal human being living paycheck to paycheck.
We as a country need to fall to our knees and fully turn our backs on the idols of society.
We need America to fully face God or it will crumble as it is crumbling before our eyes.

Babies are being murdered.
That's where it ends for me.
Society is corrupt in its view of life and where it begins and where it ends.

This is my big issue I'm watching. Mass murder. Legalized murder.
Along with...
Taxes. Who's taking more money from me?

2nd Amendment. Who thinks they're taking my right to carry and own certain fire arms?

Have I made my choice? Absolutely. Am I proud of it? Not in the least. Picking the lesser of 2 evils is still an evil.
Sad man....sad...

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