It's becoming a social media trend for momma's to publicize that sometimes there are rough days and sometimes there are those wonderful days that they put the cute snapshot on Instagram and share to Facebook and make everything look like rainbows and magical unicorns.
Let's be honest now, there hasn't been a day since I had Piper that I just think to myself...
"Man today has been so easy, she hasn't fussed, I finished 20 loads of laundry, prepped meals for the next month, and even managed to scrub the baseboards along with fine tooth combing the carpet clean."
I literally wouldn't be able to contain my excitement if that ever happened...
Between 3 dogs and a sweet precious two-nager... Yes I made up a new word. I'm thoroughly convinced of it.
The child is a diva with massive feelings she is not sure how to control at this point in her life.
I can't blame her. Some of these feelings she's never felt before and she's just now figuring out she has them.
That's what I remind myself so I don't get flustered and all up in my feelings when the fit throwing begins.
Now, between all these factors, and a farm, and a husband who works swing shifts, life on our homestead is an absolute circus.
These people who wrangle more than one child in this sort of setting kudos to you.
Let me tell you what a typical morning looks like when we're all scrambling to get to work on time.
This rodeo starts around 5am when Precious wakes up ready for a drink and a diaper change. After fixing her requested beverage, we snuggle into bed with the 2 fluffy dogs and sometimes Daddy depending on if he is at work or not. We then fall to sleep to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and promptly reawaken at 6am ready to climb down the dogs' steps to the bed to get to my phone, dump the dog food into their water bowl, or go turn on lights, run a bubble bath, or empty a shampoo bottle or 2.
After the initial rollover to get to the steps and I am awake, we get up, change a diaper, get fresh milk, and sometimes a poptart.
We take blankie to the bathroom while I get ready for work. Then the cycle begins...
While I pull my hair up and get dressed, the child does one of about 3 or 4 things.
She either turns the bath water on to fill her hair washing cup to dump into the shower,
She will go in and out of the shower to get shampoo to wash her hands under the bath faucets,
She will climb into my makeup chair to put on her own makeup or brush her teeth,
She will disappear with the dogs and all the sudden get quiet....Yikes is right.
After getting ready between bouts of hand washing, makeup smearing, and sometimes down right fit throwing because Heaven forbid I don't let her climb onto the kitchen table to play with the glass bud vases and pumpkins...
We're packing lunches and breakfasts at 6:50.
At this point we argue over the lunchables and why she can't eat one this very minute
Then we get mad because a dog has snatched something from our hand, or one is snuggled in the sacred blanket.
After putting my shoes on and making sure she at least has a dry diaper and clothes to take with her, the trek to the car begins.
Next we fight over who is carrying who and walking. Typically a certain someone feels the need to exert independence and walk half-way then scream to be picked up, then get mad when she is picked up, and so on and so forth.
In getting in the car, the debate of music always comes up.
She always wants "dis" (insert itsy bitsy spider motions) and I want "dat" (insert Sirius XM radio motions).
In the 90 seconds it takes to get to Honey's house, the odds are typically not in her favor. Sorry kid. Maybe next time.
When we start down Honey and Buddy's driveway, the chanting starts....
"Hooooooneyyyyyyy.... Buuuuuuuuuuudddddddddyyyyyy"
We park, we hop out, and she's all but jumping from the car herself to get to the door and see what's in the oven or on the stove for breakfast.
Once inside, I'm back out the door and in the car headed to work. Typically running "late" as my students tell me because I'm not there right at 7:30.
So there's our supposedly imperfect circus of life that we so very much enjoy, and we wouldn't change it.
Is it frustrating at times? Absolutely, when we're hustling to get out the door on time, but then we remember we aren't getting this back.
We aren't getting this back and she'll only keep getting bigger and smarter, and all the sudden she'll be a senior in high school.
I enjoy the fits, tantrums, screaming, hair pulling, and tears. Do I like them-absolutely not, but I cherish being able to comfort her and rock her and dry her tears while she will let me. I love being able to fix what she thinks is wrong with her world.
It's ok that life isn't all smiles and sunshine all the time. It comes in spurts, and those spurts are wonderful.
The good and the bad and the frustrating moments make this whole thing worth while.
Parenthood is so fun. There are times when I realize I'm arguing with an almost 2 year old, and I stop and all I can do is laugh at how ridiculous I sound arguing over her wanting to eat a pizza lunchable and drink my Diet Mt. Dew.
2 year olds are fun guys.
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