Disclaimer** This is my blog. I say what I think. I do what I want. Don't like it? Quit reading or create your own blog. There's my opinion on that.
This is how my blogging works.
I hear about something, read something, or think about something long enough and I feel the need to have a strong opinion.
Whether anyone has figured it out or not, I have strong opinions.
Whether I voice them or not is dependent upon the strength of such opinion.
So here are my opinions since I last wrote...
1.) The subject: People who have more than 2 kids are nutso. FALSO
My Opinion: FALSO.The ability to conceive and mother children is taken for granted, but I don't necessarily believe you aught to make it your goal to have umpteen biological children.
I can see 6-7 as plausible. When you pass 10, you lose me. Let's be honest. I personally believe God won't give you anything you can't handle.If he blesses you with 7 children, kudos to you. I'm stoked that someone is willing and has the capability to love and nurture that many children. I was given 1 child because the good Lord knew I might pull my hair out if I had more.
Now I will say this, shame on you to those who feel fostering, adopting, or birthing more babies is all about how much government assistance or how big of a tax refund you can get. You aught not be given the grace of being able to have children if you knowingly aren't going to actually love them and raise them up. You're missing out on a tremendous experience.
2.) The subject: Pity Parties
I don't do well with those who throw the "oh look at me I live a hard life and I don't want attention for it" pity party on their Facebook statuses or what not. Heaven forbid someone to question your well being if you don't plaster it for the world to see. That's looking for trouble in my opinion.
If you want a public service announcement that you stubbed your pinky toe on your new garden gnome, go for it, but don't get upset when the negative backlash of people talking about how ridiculous it sounds comes back around to smack you in the face.
Guess what though?
There's usually someone if not 100 other people who have it a whole lot worse off than your pity party problems.
Let's try being thankful we're alive today shall we?
3.) The subject: Military Benefits
Our government has issues. Is that surprising? Shouldn't be.
My big issue is military benefits.
They don't get enough of them.
And that's all I have to say about that.
4.) The subject: Opinions
That's why their called opinions. I have mine. You have yours. They may not be the same, but have the courtesy to respect that and not be ugly.
I have quite the opinion on the next subject. Just a warning.
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